Time is On Your Side
Time is a strange thing. Sometimes it feels like it’s stopped, other moments it seems to be passing by at the speed of light.
And within every moment of your life, the future becomes the present which becomes the past, never to come again.
Being aware of time’s passage is one of the most poignant ways that we feel our mortality.
This week we want to look at what the book of Ecclesiastes has to say about time, how we experience it, and how we can make the most of it.
More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church.
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#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #ecclesiastes #time #timeisonyourside #genuine #sundaysermon #lovegodservepeople