The Allure of Leisure
Work. It’s not always our favorite thing in the world. In fact, it’s probably tempting to think of work as something to be avoided, even despised.
After all, who would work if they didn’t have to? Who wouldn’t rather enjoy a life of ease instead of working for a living?
One of the promises of technology is that it will make work easier—maybe even eliminate it altogether—so that we can enjoy not working. This, we’re told, is how life should be: effortless, easy, and comfortable. A life of leisure.
This week we’re looking again a Genesis 1 to consider what it is to be human, made in the image of God. And, while God does rest, the creation account offers an entirely different perspective on work. That work has value because God worked. And as imagers of God, we were created to do work that gives purpose to our lives and creates good in the world.
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#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #techsavvy #work #leisure #sundaysermon #lovegodservepeople